Multi-Objective GAN-Based Adversarial Attack Technique for Modulation Classifiers

Published in IEEE Communications Letters, 2022

Recommended citation: P. F. De Araujo-Filho, G. Kaddoum, M. Naili, E. T. Fapi and Z. Zhu, "Multi-Objective GAN-Based Adversarial Attack Technique for Modulation Classifiers," in IEEE Communications Letters, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3167368. #

Deep learning is increasingly being used for many tasks in wireless communications, such as modulation classification. However, it has been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which introduce specially crafted imperceptible perturbations, inducing models to make mistakes. This letter proposes an input-agnostic adversarial attack technique that is based on generative adversarial networks (GANs) and multi-task loss. Our results show that our technique reduces the accuracy of a modulation classifier more than a jamming attack and other adversarial attack techniques. Furthermore, it generates adversarial samples at least 335 times faster than the other techniques evaluated, which raises serious concerns about using deep learning-based modulation classifiers.

Recommended citation: ‘P. F. De Araujo-Filho, G. Kaddoum, M. Naili, E. T. Fapi and Z. Zhu, “Multi-Objective GAN-Based Adversarial Attack Technique for Modulation Classifiers,” in IEEE Communications Letters, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3167368.’

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